centos 字体的修改

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centos 字体的修改

2023-09-07 21:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



#准备工作  copy windows系统下的  simsun字体 (路径是c:\windows\fonts\simsun.tff)  到  /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/TrueType(要root权限)  #设置工作  打开首选项-字体  或者输入命令gnome-font-properties  把字体更改为SimSun,大小为10就OK了:)  ---  如果firefox或者别的程序有模糊的情况把他们的字体改下就OK了





  一直以来,都觉得linux下中文字体好难看,看久了费眼睛,宋体也不是像xp上那么舒服。雅黑呢,好像看久了也是眼睛疼。今天终于把文泉驿给装上了。  文泉驿,最大的好处是开源。避免版权问题。而且效果很好。  文泉驿点阵宋体,这个只是点阵字库,不过看着比较舒服,字体很小的时候,也依然清晰。不过对于大号字体就明显的点阵感了。这跟宋体是一样的。  文泉驿正黑:点阵字体在小分辨率下具有无可匹敌的清晰度,而纯矢量字体可以在任何字号显示。文泉驿正黑采用了一种点阵字体嵌入技术,包含了点阵宋体中的全部基本汉字点阵。在屏幕显示小字号汉字时,正黑将自动调用内嵌汉字点阵来显示汉字;当屏幕需要超大或者超小字号时,正黑将自动采用矢量进行平滑显示。这种智能选择的方法既兼顾了阅读速度,又保持了用户字体的通用性,获得了很多用户的支持和喜爱。  看完介绍,决定安装正黑,下载地址.http://wenq.org  安装注意:  源码包直接解压的文件夹放在 ~/.fonts/下就fc-cache -f 下就ok了而且不需要作其他修改。            rpm包centos的源里是没有的,到http://rpmfind.net/随便找个f10的wqy-zenhei-fonts包就是,安装后注意就是默认是没有开启点阵的,感觉字体发虚。解决办法是:  在/etc/fonts/conf.d/44-wqy-zenhei.conf里面把false的false修改为true.  或者ln -s /etc/fonts/conf.avail/66-wqy-zenhei-sharp.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d  两者随便选一个就行。再也不用为linux字体头疼了。


[root@localhost ~]# mkdir .fonts

[root@localhost ~]# cd wqy-zenhei

[root@localhost wqy-zenhei]# ls

44-wqy-zenhei.conf AUTHORS INSTALL zenheiset

66-wqy-zenhei-sharp.conf ChangeLog README

66-wqy-zenhei-sharp-no13px.conf COPYING wqy-zenhei.ttc

[root@localhost wqy-zenhei]# cp wqy-zenhei.ttc ~/.fonts/

[root@localhost wqy-zenhei]# cp 44-wqy-zenhei.conf ~/.fonts.conf

[root@localhost wqy-zenhei]# fc-cache ~/.fonts/

[root@localhost wqy-zenhei]#


3、Manual Installation with tgz package  If you are running BSD-type or Unix systems, you can install this  font manually.  3.1 Installation for all users  First, extract the font files with     tar zxvf wqy-microhei*.tar.gz  Then, change to root user, move the extracted folder, "wqy-microhei"  under /usr/share/fonts/wenquanyi/ (If this dir does not exist, use  mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/wenquanyi/ to create it first.)  Then edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /etc/X11/XF86Config-4  and find the section with FontPath. Append     FontPath /usr/share/fonts/wenquanyi/wqy-microhei  under any of the FontPath line, save this file.  Then, if your system has /etc/fonts/fonts.conf, edit  it and append  /usr/share/fonts/wenquanyi/wqy-microhei/  before   Restart X server and you should be able to use this font.

2. Installation for single user  If you do not have root access, you can also install this font  by copying wqy-microhei.ttf to ~/.fonts/ (If this folder  does not exist, create it first), then you can type  fc-cache ~/.fonts/ to activate this font.  Alternatively, if you are running KDE/GNOME, you can use  the font installer tool from the preference dialog and install  this font.






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